YEAR 2005
- Manmohan, beware of becoming a softie (Indian Express, January 26, 2005)
- Stubbornness pays nothing (Hindustan Times, January 27, 2005)
- Bullets Enough - Talks better (Eenadu Telgu, January 28, 2005)
- दोष राजनितिक दलों का (दैनिक जागरण, January 30, 2005)
- In search of lebensraum (The Pioneer, February 01, 2005)
- A strong case for police reforms (The Hindu, March 24, 2005)
- The ploughshare that became a pistol (Indian Express, April 22, 2005)
- Stark picture of Naxalism (The Asian Age, April 26, 2005)
- Bordering on the weak (Indian Express, May 02, 2005)
- Demoralised force without motion (The Pioneer, May 05, 2005)
- Is Hindusim in retreat (Oganiser, May 29, 2005)
- War against Terror – Is it Failing? (Crime & JusticeInternational, May/June 2005)
- Ab bhi nahi, to kab jagega swabhiman (Panchjayan)
- Trespassers should be prosecuted (The Pioneer, July 27, 2005)
- राजनेताओं ने बिगाड़ा है इसका चरित्र (Nav Bharat Times, July 31, 2005)
- पुलिस की आलोचना फैशन है (Amar Ujala, July 31, 2005)
- Blessed are the corrupt (The Tribune, August 07, 2005)
- Free the police from political shackes (The Pioneer, September 01, 2005)
- Maoist violence must be dealt with afresh (The Pioneer, September 19, 2005)
- Autonomy key to police reforms (Times of India, September 30, 2005)
- सत्ताधारी दाल की प्राइवेट आर्मी हो गयी है पुलिस (हिंदुस्तान, October 20, 2005)
- डीजीपी मीडिया से ही मांगने लगे मुख़्तार का सुराग (दैनिक जागरण, October 21, 2005)
- Notice to Paswan for violation (The Hindu, Ocotober 21, 2005)
- Shakti dikhao tabhi maan badega aur atankwaad bhi rukega (Panchjanya)
- Catch me if you can (Hindustan Times, November 17, 2005)
- कहीं हम आपराधिक राष्ट्र तो नहीं बन रहे ? (अमर उजाला, December 01, 2005)
YEAR 2006
- CBI SUBVERTED - Not enough freedom (Pioneer)
- CBI autonomy : Fact or Fiction (Sahara Times, February 04, 2006)
- सीबीआई के बंधे हाथ (सहारा समय, February 04, 2006)
- क्या आपराधिक न्याय प्रणाली में सुधार किये जाने चहिये (नवभारत, )
- Sex obsessed Media (Sahara Times, March 11, 2006)
- कृपया नक्सल समस्या को गम्भीरता से ले (अमर उजाला, March 15, 2006)
- Has Police Failed? (Pioneer)
- हमें यूस, ब्रिटेन, इसराइल से सीख लेनी चहिये (नव भारत, July 16, 2006)
- Do we need POTA to tackle terrorism? (Business Stanrdard, July 19, 2006)
- Fighting terror with kid gloves (Pioneer, July 19, 2006)
- Mythical war on terror (Pioneer)
- No second thoughts on this punishment (Indian Express,October 06, 2006)
- Sack police offices with criminal links (Times of India, October 12, 2006 )
- विआई पी को ज्यादा तवज्जो {प्रभात खबर, October 30, 2006)
- Off target (Times of India, November 09, 2006)
- चरमराई आंतरिक सुरक्षा (इंडिया टुडे, November 29, 2006)
- क्या सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आर्डर से पुलिस सिस्टम में सुधार आएगा? (नव भारत, December 28, 2006)
YEAR 2007
- पुलिस किसकी जनता या शासक की (दैनिक जागरण. January 2007)
- Concealing crime (Times of India, January 19, 2007)
- When statistics lie (Times of India, April 03, 2007)
- आंकड़ों की असलियत (दैनिक जागरण,April 06, 2007)
- Danda Raj (Times of India, June 08, 2007)
- भयमुक्त समाज की आधारशिला (दैनिक जागरण, June 23, 2007)
- क्या हमारे शहर नोर्थ-इस्ट से भी ज्यादा असुरक्षित हैं (नव भारत, June 28, 2007)
- Terror Won't Work (Times of India, July 06, 2007)
- सेन्ये करवाई के सबक (दैनिक जागरण)
- अल कायदा की अनदेखी (दैनिक जागरण, August 24, 2007)
- महिषासुर जैसा भ्रष्टाचार (दैनिक जागरण, September 21, 2007)
- A complete cop-out (Hindustan Times, October 04, 2007)
- आतंकवाद से आतंकित देश (दैनिक जागरण, October 25, 2007)
- महापुरषों का राजनीतिकरण (दैनिक जागरण, November 22,2007)
- Hindu plight in Malaysia (The Pioneer)
YEAR 2008
- संगठित अपराध सबसे बड़ा खतरा (प्रभात खबर, January 10, 2008)
- अब पोटा से भी सख्त कानून बने (हिंदुस्तान, February 04, 2008)
- केस को ठन्डे बसते में दाल देती हैं सुरक्षा एजंसियें (अमर उजाला, April 06, 2008)
- Shortchanged in Khaki (Hindustan Times, April 23, 2008)
- नए दौर में पुराणी गलतियाँ (दैनिक जागरण, April 30, 2008)
- In defence of Salwa Judum (Times of India, May 26, 2008)
- अन्दर से खोखला हो गया है पुलिस विभाग (नव भारत. June 01, 2008)
- 100 % Tolerance for Corruption (Governance- Gfiles, July 04, 2008)
- पाक की साजिश सियासत की लापरवाही (हिंदुस्तान, August 01, 2008)
- Time to Get Enough (Times of India, September 17, 2008)
- सख्त कानून के सहारे ही लड़ सकतें हैं आतंक से (दैनिक जागरण, September 29, 2008)
- 100 % Tolerance for Corruption (Azad Academy Journal, September 30, 2008)
- पुलिस सुधार से इनकार (दैनिक जागरण, October 30, 2008)
- Revamp The Police (Times of India, November 30, 2008)
- Red Star over India (Pioneer)
- Fighting Terrorism (Pioneer)
- No time to Waste (Times of India, December 02, 2008)
- Barriers to Police Reforms (Deccan Herald, December 31, 2008)
- Too Many Cooks (Times of India)
YEAR 2009
- अब नहीं तो कब लागू होंगे पुलिस सुधार (प्रथम प्रवक्ता, January 01, 2009)
- सुधार का आखिरी अवसर (दैनिक जागरण, March 30, 2009)
- सीमा पर तालिबानी बादल (दैनिक जागरण, April 17, 2009)
- आंतरिक सुरक्षा व क़ानून व्यस्था बड़ी चुनोतियाँ (नई दुनिया, May 24, 2009)
- पुलिस को आज़ादी और सम्मान दे (प्रभात खबर, May 28, 2009)
- STEP UP TO THE TASK (Times of India, June 12, 2009)
- लेना है एक संकल्प (दैनिक जागरण , June 19, 2009)
- आंतंक से कमज़ोर लड़ाई (दैनिक जागरण, June 19, 2009)
- STEP UP TO THE TASK (Security Today, July 2009)
- Road-map for Police Reforms in South Asia (Main Stream, July 23, 2009)
- सुधार के नाम पर खिलवाड़ (दैनिक जागरण, August 27, 2009)
- No Short Cut to Success (Times of India, September 18, 2009)
- सख्त कारवाई ही एकमात्र विकल्प (नई दुनिया, October 28, 2009)
- नक्सली हिंसा की चुनोती (दैनिक जागरण, November 05, 2009)
- शासन की गुलाम हुई पुलिस (अमर उजाला, November 03, 2009)
YEAR 2010
- तालमेल की कमी का खामियाजा (हिंदुस्तान, अप्रैल ०७, २०१०)
- परिस्थितियों के मुताबिक सुरक्षाबलों का प्रशिक्षण हों (वीर अर्जुन, अप्रैल १२, २०१०)
- पुलिस पर हावी है नौकरशाही (दैनिक भास्कर, अप्रैल १७, २०१०)
- कानून तोड़ने वाले सिक्यूरिटी फोर्सेस को बदनाम करते हैं (नवभारत टाइम, अप्रैल २४, २०१०)
- उग्रवाद से निपटना है तो मजबूत बनाना होगा लोकतंत्र (दैनिक जागरण, मई ०५, २०१०)
- जरूरत है CRPF का अंदरूनी ढांचा सुधारने की (हिंदुस्तान, मई ०२, २०१०)
- नक्सल विरोधी रणनीति (दैनिक जागरण, July 14, 2010)
- समस्यायों का घना साया (दैनिक जागरण, अगस्त ११, २०१०)
- खादी चाहती है उसके सामने बांदी बनी रहे खाकी (हिंदुस्तान, सितम्बर ०१, २०१०)
- पाकिस्तान की शह पर रखे पैनी नज़र (दैनिक भास्कर, सितम्बर २३, २०१०)
- भ्रष्ट भारत का भविष्य (Dainik Jagran, November 27, 2010)
- Police to peon: crowd control a joint venture (Times of India, January 23, 2011)
- आंतरिक सुरक्षा की चुनौती (Dainik Jagran, February 10, 2011)
- Terror's name is Red (Pioneer, February 13, 2011)
- Aarushi's case requires a fresh look (Asian Age, February 13, 2011)
- A Crisis of Credibility (Times of India, April 18, 2011)
- A need to be fighting Fit (Times of India, June 30, 2011)
- Strengthen the local thana to effectively fight terror (Times of India, July 17, 2011)
- Security on the Line (Times of India, November, 21, 2011)
YEAR 2012
- Police powers will stir up a hornet’s nest (Deccan herald, February 25, 2012)
- When khaki fades (Asian Age, February 26, 2012)
- Grey areas need to be Addressed (The Tribune, March 7, 2012)
- एनसीटीसी का औचित्य (दैनिक जागरण, मार्च ०१, २०१२)
YEAR 2013
- CBI should have statutory status, like EC and CAG (Times of India, May 12, 2013)
- सुरक्षा से खिलवाड (दैनिक जागरण, जून २१, २०१३ )
- The politician-police nexus has stalled necessary reform (The Sunday Guardian, April 27, 2013)
- Needed an eagle, not a parrot (DECCAN HEARLD, AUGUST 18, 2013)
- Childhood Caught in Crossfire of Maoists and Police Forces (Indian Express, November 26, 2013)
- 26/11 Hasn’t Much Changed the Way India Deals with Terrorism (Indian Express, December 07, 2013)
- इलाज़ के बहाने अनर्थ (दैनिक जागरण, दिसंबर 8, 2013)
YEAR 2014
- Kejri Course Correction Starts with Shedding Intellectual Arrogance (Indian Express, January 26, 2014)
- Government Must Review its Kid Glove Treatment of Terrorism (Indian Express, February 09, 2014)
- Anti Corruption Bill seems to be for promotion, not prevention, of Graft (The Sunday Standard, February 23, 2014)
- Police Reforms: Judiciary Must Enforce its Writ to Defeat Defiance (Indian Express, March 09, 2014)
- Government Needs to Set House in Order to Counter Maoist Threat to Polls (Indian Express, March 23, 2014)
- नए नज़रिए की जरूरत (दैनिक जागरण , अप्रैल 12 , 2014 )
- Largest Democratic Exercise Can Only be Successful if it’s Peaceful. (Indian Express, April 06. 2014)
- Internal Security: BJP Manifesto Most Promising, But Will it Deliver (Indian Express, April 20, 2014)
- अनैतिकता की सेक्युलर ढाल (दैनिक जागरण, मई 03 2014 )
- New Dispensation Must Have Will to Counter Four-Cornered Attack (Indian Express, May 04, 2014)
- The Onus now lies with CBI (Asian Age, May 14, 2014)
- Caged Parrot Has Begun Fluttering Wings, But it Will Take Time to Fly (Indian Express, May 18, 2014)
- New Government Must Prioritise the Internal Security Agenda (The New Indian Express, June 02, 2014)
- जातिवाद, सामंतवाद का कॉकटेल (Amar ujala, June 10, 2014)
- The Act of Cleaning Up, Like Charity, Should Begin at Home (The New Indian Express, June 15, 2014)
- Lurking Threat of International Terrorism (The New Indian Express, June 29, 2014)
- If Well Orchestrated, Maoists Can be Contained in Five Years (The New Indian Express, July 13, 2014)
- Need Three-tier Approach So That There are No More Nirbhayas (The New Indian Express, July 27, 2014)
- Internal Security Issues Must Now Show on Modi’s Radar (The New Indian Express, September 06, 2014)
- Selection Norms to Legal Mandate, CBI Needs a Total Revamp (The New Indian Express, September 21, 2014)
- Treat Disease that Afflicts Criminal Justice System, Not Symptoms (The New Indian Express, October 05, 2014)
- India Must Brace Itself for Terror Threats Knocking at Its Frontiers (The New Indian Express, October 19, 2014)
- Burdwan Symbolises the Rot Within the Once-Vibrant West Bengal (The New Indian Express, November 02, 2014)
- Internal Security is Modi's Achilles' Heels, Complacency Would be Costly (New Indian Express, November 15, 2014)
- Uncaging the Parrot Not Enough, it Must be Taught How to Fly High (The New Indian Express, Nov 30, 2014)
- पुलिस के ‘स्मार्ट’ होने में दिक्कत (Dainik Bhaskar, December 02, 2014)
- The Threat of Terror( The Asian Age on Dec 4, 2014)
- SMART Police (The Indian Express, December 14, 2014)
YEAR 2015
- Violence in Assam (The New Indian Express, January 04, 2015)
- Radical Islam Strikes (The New Indian Express, January 18, 2015)
- Flawed Development May Add More Fuel to the Maoist Fire' (The New Indian Express, February 01, 2015)
- Diversity in Unity: Cacophony of State Police Acts Needs to be Checked (The New Indian Express, February 15, 2015)
- What We Require is a People's Police, What We Have is the Rulers' Police (New Indian Express, June 06, 2015)
- Northeast Seriously Requires a Long-term Strategic Vision (New Indian Express, June 20, 2016)
- "The Future Cop"(Defence and Security,September 2015)
- India Toothless Against Terror'(The New Indian Express, October 10, 2015 )
YEAR 2016
YEAR 2017
YEAR 2018
YEAR 2019- Police Reforms: Rejuvenate and Transform the Police (Business Today, January 17, 2016)
- Smart Policing India’s Growth imperative (Defence and Security Alert, February 2016)
- In Naxal areas, the problem arises when you start empathising with just one group (Business Standard, April 02, 2016)
- Jat agitation: 'Destruction worth Rs 20,000 cr, LeT couldn’t have done worse’ (First Post, May 14, 2016)
- What Haryana govt hasn’t made public: report that indicts top brass for inaction, caste bias (Yahoo 31, 2016)
- Officials failed to act against Jat rioters: Panel (The Hindu, June 01, 2016)
- Officialdom ‘paralysed’ during Jat quota protest (Hindustan Times, June 01, 2016)
- State of Chaos (Times of India, June 01, 2016)
- Failed state : "The Villains of Haryana" is statistical summary of Haryana Report",(India Today, .June 01, 2016)
- The Jat agitation is a lesson and a warning for India (Dailymail, June 21, 2016)
- Haryana govt said no to second report on Jat riot probe as first was a bitter pill: Prakash Singh tells Firstpost (August 26, 2016)
- Red-faced over first report on Jat stir, Haryana scraps second (Indian Express, August 26, 2016)
- We need to transform ruler’s police into people’s police. (Outlook Magzine, September 26, 2016)
- Dear PM, India needs police reform (Indian Express, November 26, 2016)
- Don't Jump The Red Gun (OUTLOOK MAGZINE, December 26, 2016)
- Centre should contain Naga Insurgency to end the Manipur Imbroglio (The Sunday Standard, January 01, 2017)
- An uneasy force (Indian Express, Jaunary 23, 2017)
- Fifty years later, the ‘revolution’ is still on (Hindustan Times Jalandhar, April 19, 2017)
- Fix up flaws in internal security setup for a safe India (Indian Express, May 21, 2017)
- KPS Gill: Tribute to a Supercop (Vivekananda International Foundation, May 31, 2017)
- Debate I KPS Gill Sincerely Believed He Was Fighting Asuras (The Quint, June 03, 2017
- As IS Gains Momentum, India must review Anti Terror Policy (Indian Express July 9, 2017)
- Amid growing challenges within, India misses a modern security apparatus, strategic vision, long-term plan (The Indian Express July 10, 2017)
- The fault is not so much of the organisation as of the people who shape its structure and define its powers (The Hindu, July 14, 2017)
- As IS gain Momentum, India must review anti Terror Policy (The Sunday Standard, July 15, 2017)
YEAR 2018
- Fear and faith (Indian Express, February 28, 2018)
- लोकतंत्र की शुचिता पर आघात, देश में 36 फीसद सांसद और विधायक दागी (दैनिक जागरण, March 27, 2018 )
- A case of selective outrage (Indian Express (May 12, 2018)
- अगर भारत तो महाशक्ति बनाना है तो पुलिस सुधारों पर करना होगा अमल (दैनिक जागरण, July 07 , 2018 )
- आज़ादी के बाद पहली बार घुसपैठ की समस्या से निपटने के लिए सरकार ने उठाया ढोस कदम (दैनिक जागरण, August 02 , 2018 )
- Hold out an olive branch (Indian Express, August 24, 2018)
- सुधारों का इंतज़ार करती सीबीआई (दैनिक जागरण , October 27 , 2018)
- Breaking the cage (Indian Express, October 30, 2018)
- Police reforms brushed aside (DNA, November 05. 2018)
- A step towards police reforms (DNA, December 2018)
- An undiluted case of contempt (DNA, December 2018)
- Shadow boxing in Kolkata (Indian Express, February 09, 2019)
- सिविल पुलिस बनाम सीबीआई (दैनिक जागरण, फेब्रुअरी 10, 2019)
- ‘Bring police and public order under concurrent list … there’s much change since Constitution was drafted’ (The Times of India, February 11, 2019)
- पुलवामा आतंकी हमला: हमारी गलतियों से बिगड़े कश्मीर के हालत, युद्ध नहीं है विकल्प (दैनिक जागरण, February 25 , 2019 )
- In-House The Surgeries (Outlook Magzine, March 21, 2019)
- Police reform is possible, but the political executive has failed to make it happen (indian Express, March 28, 2019)
- Karkare Made Ultimate Sacrifice, No Sensible Person Can Justify Pragya Thakur’s Remarks, Former UP DGP Writes (News 18, April 19, 2019)
- Sadhvi Pragya Thakur’s comments against Karkare raise questions on society’s attitude towards police (Indian Express, April 26, 2019)
- Politicians don’t want reforms in the police force (First Post, May 2019)
- साध्वी श्राप या ढोंग (Outlook magazine, May 02, 2019)
- Any effort to strengthen national security without reforming the police would be futile (Indian Express, June 06, 2019)
- देश में पुलिसकर्मियों के 5 लाख पद ख़ाली, सरकारें भर क्यों नहीं रहीं?: नज़रिया (BBC, July 08, 2019)
- देर से उठा दुरुस्त कदम: Article 370 हटने से कश्मीर-शेष भारत के बीच गिरी दीवार, विकास का मार्ग खुला ( दैनिक जागरण, 12 अगस्त 2019
- Police reforms essential for a progressive India (The New Indian Express, September 08, 2019
- CAPF must stop slandering IPS, shows lack of discipline: Ex-BSF chief (The Print, October 29, 2019)
- The Tis Hazari case: How the police, lawyers, and the court got it wrong (Hindustan Times, November 14, 2019)
- ‘Police is More Involved in Pleasing Political Masters Than Enforcing the Rule of Law’ (The Citizen is Hopeful, November 15, 2019)
- EditorialsColumns OPINION Advertising Helpless in Unnao (The Indian Express, November 15, 2019)
- Telangana Encounter - Buck Must Not Stop At Junior Police Ranks (The Citizen, December 09, 2019)
- जवाबदेही तय करना जरूरी (दैनिक जागरण, December 12, 2019)
YEAR 2020
- The objections to the Citizenship Act are generally unconvincing (Indian Express, January 07, 2020)
- Cop out in Delhi: Police response invariably reflects the bias of the ruling party (Indian Express, February 26, 2020)
- दिल्ली पुलिस की हीलाहवाली से भड़के दंगे नियंत्रण में तो आ गए, परंतु एक भारी कीमत चुकाने के बाद (दैनिक जागरण, March 04, 2020)
- आज हमें अशोक नहीं, चाणक्य चाहिए, हमें गांधी नहीं, सुभाष बोस और सरदार पटेल जैसा नेतृत्व चाहिए (दैनिक जागरण. April 25, 2020)
- The making of a polite, people-friendly police (Indian Express, May 06, 2020)
- Kanpur Encounter: पूर्व डीजीपी बोले- खाकी, खादी और अपराधी के गठजोड़ का सुबूत है कानपुर एनकाउंटर (अमर उजाला, July 06, 2020)
- आपराधिक साठगांठ: यदि बिगड़ते हालात में पुलिस सुधार नहीं लाया गया तो देश से लोकतंत्र का जनाजा उठ जाएगा (दैनिक जागरण, July 07, 2020)
- Thoothukudi to Kanpur: The police are in the dock. Reforms must start with the political system (The Indian Express, July 14, 2020)